Grupo Ramón García joins the 9th anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals in support of people, the planet, and global prosperity

Grupo Ramón García at The Salone del Mobile 2024: Inspiration for the Future of Interior Furnishing
24 April 2024
25 September 2024

On September 25th, we celebrated the 9th anniversary of the United Nations (UN) adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This action plan includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focused on promoting the well-being of people, protecting the planet, and fostering global prosperity.

The parent company of Grupo Ramón García, built on the principles of people and sustainability, has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2014. The company is dedicated to enacting positive change each and every day by enhancing the well-being of its team, enriching society, and supporting a healthier planet.

Guided by both social commitment and the belief that every little helps, Grupo Ramón García has implemented a range of focused and continually evolving sustainability initiatives. These include creating opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion, supporting cancer research, encouraging responsible production, and raising awareness.

On the anniversary of the SDGs, Grupo Ramón García participated in the UN Global Compact campaign #TogetherForTheSDGs to reaffirm its commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility. The company encouraged everyone to engage in sustainable practices, emphasizing the positive impact these efforts have on individuals, society, and the planet.

More information on initiatives that contribute to sustainable development at:

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