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Grupo Ramón García makes special mention of its co-founder on International Women’s Day

Grupo Ramón García makes special mention of its co-founder on International Women’s Day

From Grupo Ramón García  we would like to congratulate the International Women’s Day to all women in general, and, in particular, to the women who are part of our Group.

As some of you already know, this 2019 we have dedicated the usual calendar that we do every year to the women of the company, since they are an essential pillar for the success of our corporation and that without them none of this would be possible.

We would like to make a special mention to Mrs María Gómez Mosquera, co-founder of the Group, and that without her this project would not have been possible, and that, according to her words, “Every fight has its reward”.

From Grupo Ramón García, we dedicate these words to her:

“Achieving success involves going through many adversities, being able to overcome them and emerge triumphant is the greatest challenge of life.

This is her, María Gómez Mosquera, simple, fighter, admirable, positive, grateful, humble and hardworking.

If she falls on the road, she gets up and moves on, does not let herself be overcome by difficulties.

Undoubtedly, a great reference for all of us who form the RAMÓN GARCÍA team.

Able to show us that difficulties can be overcome and that it is always necessary to have a good attitude to face any situation that comes our way.

A woman worthy of admiration because she knows how to find the perfect balance so as not to neglect her family, her work or herself.

We hope that in this world there are many more fighting women like you. “